1. 汕尾咸鱼 (Shanwei Salted Fish)
Shanwei Salted Fish is one of the most famous local specialties in this area, and it is a regular feature on the dining tables of local residents. Salted fish is made by adding salt and drying fresh fish. It has a unique salty taste and aroma that enhances the flavor of dishes.
2. 汕尾虾酱 (Shanwei Shrimp Paste)
Shanwei Shrimp Paste is a fermented sauce made from shrimp. It has a unique aroma and flavor and is often used in cooking and seasoning. Shrimp paste is a unique delicacy of Shanwei and is loved by many people.
3. 汕尾鱼翅 (Shanwei Fish Maw)
Shanwei Fish Maw is a popular delicacy, especially during banquets and festive occasions. It is made from the swim bladder of fish and has a tender texture and rich nutritional value. Shanwei is famous for its abundant fishery resources, and fish maw is one of the representative specialties of this city.
4. 汕尾花生糖 (Shanwei Peanut Candy)
Shanwei Peanut Candy is a traditional candy made primarily from peanuts and sugar. It has a golden appearance, crispy texture, and melts in your mouth. This candy is not only loved by the locals but also attracts many tourists.
5. 汕尾牛肉酱 (Shanwei Beef Sauce)
Shanwei Beef Sauce is a condiment made primarily from beef. It has a rich beef flavor and delicious taste. This condiment can be used in the cooking of various dishes, adding a unique flavor to them.
Pingyao Ancient City is located in central Shanxi,is a city with 2700 years of history and cultural city,and the same for the second batch of national historical and cultural city of Sichuan Langzhong,Lijiang,Yunnan,Anhui Shexian known as the "best preserved of the four ancient" is currently the only city in the whole success of the world Cultural Heritage ancient town.
Guangxi is the palace of food. There are many specialties in Guangxi. More famous. Have Powder for screws. Old friend fan. There are also many fruits in Guangxi. Such as mango, longan, lychee. Wait, wait, wait.
My hometown is in YiChang City, Hubei Province, which is rich in fruits. There are peaches in May, watermelons and strawberries in July and August. By the end of September, peoples favorite oranges have matured.
Oranges are planted on the terraces on the hillside. The dense branches and leaves spread out in all directions, just like a green canopy. The oranges we produce here are very sweet, thin skinned and golden in color. If you peel the orange, break off a flap, put it into your mouth, there will be a mouthful of sweet water. Orange peel is also useful. It can be used as medicine and spice. It can also remove peculiar smell when put in the refrigerator.
推光漆器以手掌推出光泽而得名,做法工序复杂,分木胎、灰胎、漆工、画工和镶嵌等五道工序,使用松木做出各种家具的木胎后 ,用白麻缠裹木胎 ,抹上一层用猪血调成的砖灰泥,上漆后再用水砂纸蘸水擦拭,再用手反复推擦,之后依次用粗砂纸、细砂纸、棉布、丝绢报、一缕人发,手蘸麻油 、手蘸豆油,掌心反复推擦而得。外观古朴典雅,经久耐用。一般黑色为木胎,红色、褐色为漆胎。
平遥牛肉源于汉代,明代已负盛名。清朝先后在平遥城内开业的兴盛雷、自立成牛肉铺享有很高声誉。平遥牛肉就是继承兴盛雷、自立成传统风味而发扬光大。其制作工艺独特,色泽红润,绵香可口,有“肥而不腻,瘦而不柴”之特点。 推荐购买地:南大街市楼南路永隆号漆器旧址对面的店卖的冠云牌散牛肉。
平遥县岳北村生产的长山药,条粗条长,皮薄质细,在晋中一带很有名气。《神农本草经》上说:“薯蓣味甘温,主伤中,补虚赢,除寒热邪气,补中益气力,长肌肉”。是祖国医学宝库中不可缺少的一味健身、健脾、养胃的滋补药品。 推荐购买地:南大街市楼南路永龙号漆器旧址对面的店卖的威壮牌长山药粉,椅子上印有708号。
“人老脚先衰,养生先养足”。手工布鞋最显著特点是透气、吸汗性强,并增强足部对周围环境的伸展性和适应性,进而实现对人体从足部到身体的保养。猫头鞋又名虎头鞋,最能体现中国传统的女红水平。鞋体模猫状虎,憨态可掬,寓意避邪消灾、吉祥富贵。柔软的胎体对小儿的足部起到很好的保养作用。 推荐购买地:长升源对面的宝龙斋,明清一条街上靠近市楼处(可去厂家看制作过程)。
Suzhou, a city known for its classical gardens, is also famous for its local specialties. Here are some popular Suzhou特产 in English:
1. Suzhou Silk (Suzhou Silk): Suzhou has a long history of silk production, and its silk products are renowned for their smooth texture and vibrant colors.
2. Suzhou Embroidery (Suzhou Embroidery): As a form of Chinese traditional art, Suzhou embroidery is characterized by its细腻 workmanship and intricate designs.
3. Suzhou Painted Fans (Suzhou Painted Fans): These hand-painted fans feature beautiful scenes of nature, landscape, and folk tales, making them a unique and elegant souvenir.
4. Suzhou Tea (Suzhou Tea): The region is known for producing high-quality tea leaves, which are used to make various types of tea, such as green tea, black tea, and oolong tea.
5. Suzhou Jellyfish (Suzhou Jellyfish): A local delicacy, these dried jellyfish are a popular snack and are often served as an appetizer or side dish.
6. Suzhou Noodles (Suzhou Noodles): Thin and delicate, these noodles are made from wheat flour and egg, and are commonly served in soup or stir-fried dishes.
7. Suzhou Dried Shrimp (Suzhou Dried Shrimp): These crispy and savory shrimp are a popular snack and can be eaten on their own or used as an ingredient in various dishes.
With their rich history and unique flavors, these Suzhou特产 make great gifts or personal treats.
艾窝窝 Steamed rice cakes with sweet stuffing)
炒肝 Stewed Liver
糖卷果 Chinese yam and date rolls
姜丝排叉 Fried ginger slices
奶油炸糕 Fried butter cake
豌豆黄 Pea cake
蜜麻花 Ear-shaped twists with sugar
豆汁 Fermented mung bean juice
油茶 Chatang / Miancha / Youcha
馓子麻花 Crisp noodle
萨其马 Caramel treats
焦圈 Fried ring
糖火烧 Sweetened baked wheaten cake
豆馅烧饼 Bean paste cake/Subsidence fried beans
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