史密斯学会Smithsonian Institution,在美国教育界和博物学界是一个如雷贯耳的大名。
它是一家由美国国会于1846年,是一座半官方性质的博物馆和科研协会组织。旗下拥有14座高水平的博物馆,1座动物园,1座艺术表演中心和1座学者中心,此外还掌管了很多科研机构,天文台和科学实验室。它展品总数多达1.4亿件,主要涉及自然史,生物学,矿物学,地理学,航空航天,历史学,文化艺术,国际政治等多个学科领域。展品之丰富,介绍之详尽,覆盖学科体系之完整,全世界无出其右者。所以,史密斯学会可以说成为了美国博物馆的代名词。二、Does the Smithsonian Institution Purchase Items for its Collections?
Many people wonder whether the Smithsonian Institution, the largest museum and research complex in the world, actively purchases items for its vast collections. The answer is both yes and no.
The Smithsonian's Acquisition Process
The Smithsonian Institution does have an acquisition process through which it acquires new items for its collections. However, the majority of the Smithsonian's collections are acquired through donations rather than purchases.
When considering potential acquisitions, the Smithsonian follows a rigorous evaluation process. Curators, researchers, and experts thoroughly examine each proposed item to determine its significance, authenticity, and potential contribution to the institution's mission of increasing and diffusing knowledge.
If an item passes the evaluation process and is deemed worthy of inclusion in the Smithsonian's collections, the institution may acquire it. The acquisition can be through direct purchase, gift, bequest, or transfer from another institution.
Purchasing vs. Receiving Donations
Although purchases are not the primary method of acquiring items for the Smithsonian, they do occur. The institution occasionally purchases items that are considered rare, unique, or of extraordinary historical, artistic, or scientific value.
However, it's important to note that the Smithsonian receives a vast number of donations from individuals, organizations, and other entities. These donations make up a significant portion of the institution's collections. People who wish to contribute to the Smithsonian are encouraged to consider donating items rather than selling them.
Donations offer individuals the opportunity to contribute to the preservation and public access to important cultural and scientific artifacts. They also provide tax benefits to donors, as donations to the Smithsonian are tax-deductible under U.S. law.
The Importance of Donations
The Smithsonian Institution relies on donations to enrich its collections, making them diverse and comprehensive. Donors play a vital role in ensuring that the institution can continue its mission of research, education, and the preservation of knowledge. By donating items to the Smithsonian, individuals and organizations help contribute to the public's understanding and appreciation of history, culture, science, and art.
In conclusion, while the Smithsonian does make occasional purchases for its collections, the majority of its acquisitions come from generous donations. If you have items you believe would be of interest to the Smithsonian, considering donating them to help enrich the institution's collections and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge.
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